The LLB & Co. CPAs

     The Lope Laranjo Bato & Co., Certified Public Accountants (LLB & Co. CPA’s), was founded on October 16, 2015, by a group of Filipino Professionals. The Firm is anchored on decades of experiences and corporate values acquired and practiced even before the partnership was formally organized. We are guided with our passion to always adhere to high standards of excellence, professionalism and code of ethics of accountants responsive to the needs of the business community we serve in particular and the stakeholders in general.

      LLB & Co., CPAs is an independent member firm of the Leading Edge Alliance Global (LEA Global). LEA Global is the second largest international association in the world, creating a high-quality alliance of 220 firms focused on accounting, financial and business advisory services. LEA Global Firms operate in 106 countries, giving clients of LEA Global Firms access to the knowledge, skills and experience of 2,000 experts and nearly 23,000 staff members. LEA Global Firms’ unique alliance enables them to maintain their independence while working together to provide the ultimate in-client service and providing valuable access to understand the cultural and commercial norms across the globe.

     Our Firm constantly improves its accounting practice to be responsive to the client’s needs by keeping its partners and staff abreast of recent developments in accounting, auditing, tax, and other Government regulations.

Brief Resume of Founding Partners

       The founding partners of Lope Laranjo Bato & Co., CPAs share common training and experience in public accounting, tax and management consulting services acquired from SyCip Gorres Velayo & Co., CPAs (SGV & Co., CPAs) and Quilab Cabilin Bato & Co., CPAs (QCB & Co., CPAs). They derive their basic capabilities from the various technical training and actual exposures in different engagements, which they have handled in SGV and QCB. Their various clients in different industries honed their skills and widened their experiences in servicing the various needs of their clientele. The existing clientele of the Firm provided them with varied engagements in auditing, accounting, management services and related consultancies.


We aim to be the preferred auditing, accounting and finance outsourcing firm, trusted for delivering exceptional value and innovative services.


We strive for excellence in auditing, accounting and finance outsourcing, driven by our commitment to integrity, quality, professionalism, and client satisfaction while preserving an environment of professional growth within the firm.





Leadership. We strive to be leaders in our industry, setting the standard for excellence in accounting, auditing, and finance outsourcing services.

LearningWe are committed to continuous learning and personal growth. We encourage a culture of curiosity, innovation, and ongoing development, both individually and as a team.

Business EthicsWe uphold the highest standards of integrity, honesty, and ethics in all our business practices. We are committed to conducting business in a responsible, transparent, and ethical manner ensuring the well-being of our stakeholders and society at large.

Client FocusWe prioritize our client’s needs and goals, providing personalized attention and tailored solutions to meet their unique requirements. We are committed to building strong, long-lasting relationships based on trust and mutual success.

ProfessionalismWe maintain a professional demeanor, demonstrating expertise, reliability, and respect in all our interactions. We adhere to professional standards and stay updated with industry regulations and best practices.

Accountability and Accuracy. We prioritize precision and attention to detail in all our accounting, auditing, and finance outsourcing services to ensure accurate financial reporting. We take responsibility for our actions and outcomes, ensuring that we deliver on our commitments and meet the exceptions of our clients.

Service Excellence and Social ResponsibilityWe strive for excellence in everything we do, continuously improving our skills, knowledge, and processes to deliver accurate and reliable financial services. We are committed to giving back to our community and promoting sustainable practices. We actively engage in corporate social responsibility initiatives and strive to minimize our environmental impact.


  • BOA Accreditation No. 6358, Valid until September 13, 2024 
  • BIR Accreditation No. 16-006925-000-2023, Valid until September 29, 2026 
  • SEC Group C Accreditation No. 6358-SEC, Valid until Financial Audit 2025 
  • BSP Group B Accreditation No. 6358-BSP, Valid until Financial Audit 2025 
  • CDA CEA Accreditation No. 120-AF, Valid until April 7, 2024 
  • NEA Accreditation No. 2023-11-00097, Valid until December 10, 2026 

Office Hours

Monday to Friday

8:30 AM to 5:30 PM

Why Choose Us?

We show you our appreciation by going above and beyond, ensuring a flawless experience. We can be your top choice today!
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